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The Latest from My Vancouver Tourism Guide Blog:

Who's Behind this Vancouver Travel Guide?

My name is Julian: I'm a born and bred Vancouverite and the more I travel the more I understand my city and its strengths and weaknesses.

That's why I've created this Vancouver tourism guide written by locals to help YOU have an GENUINE vacation.

Questions? Just try me!

Learn more about me


The Millenium Gates at the entrance to Chinatown

Chinatown Vancouver Neighbourhood Guide

No visit to our city is complete without a stop in Chinatown Vancouver. After all, 43% percent of Vancouverites claim Asian ancestry making it the most Asian city in North America. The Chinese...

crab fountain outside the hr macmillan space centre in vancouver canada

How to Visit The Museum of Vancouver: MOA

The Museum of Vancouver is an attraction that should be firmly rooted at the top of any history buff’s Vancouver travel itinerary. That said, even casual visitors are surprised to know our city...

Vancouver's Best Tour Package:

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